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Recap of LORENZ Connect 2023: Regulatory Affairs Insights for Global Attendees

Posted on May 30, 2023

We would like to extend our gratitude to the speakers and attendees who made the LORENZ Connect 2023 conference a resounding success with over 400 participants from 39 countries joining us for two days of valuable insights and knowledge sharing.

Covering a wide range of Regulatory Affairs topics, the conference featured 12 sessions delivered by speakers from around the world. Attendees were provided with to informative updates, including EU-IDMP and PMS developments, Health Canada's transition to XML PM, eSubmission updates for China and non-EU countries like Montenegro, Albania, and the United Arab Emirates. Moreover, participants gained insights into the latest features of LORENZ docuBridge and drugTrack.

The sessions also delved into practical experiences with Lundbeck sharing their release planning approach for the LORENZ landscape, Bayer discussing their involvement in the eCTD 4.0 FDA Pilot, and PharmaLex exploring the immediate and long-term implications of eCTD 4.0 implementation in Europe. Technical aspects were not neglected, as topics such as optimizing the Regulatory Submission Process through robotic process automation and the time-saving capabilities of docuBridge's Assisted Compilation feature were discussed.

To accommodate participants worldwide, the conference sessions were scheduled across different time zones. For those registered who were unable to attend all the live presentations, recordings of the sessions were already made available in the through the LORENZ ID providing the opportunity to catch up at their convenience.

To stay updated on future LORENZ Connect events and to receive information about the upcoming LORENZ Converge live event, we encourage activating e-mail notifications in your LORENZ ID and following us on LinkedIn. Don't miss out on future opportunities to expand your regulatory knowledge and network with industry professionals.

This entry was posted in LORENZ Events.

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